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How much is a 1986 Roosevelt dime worth? estimates the value of a 1986 P Roosevelt Dime in average condition to be worth 10 cents, while one in mint state could be valued around $3. (see details)...

How much is a dollar worth in 1986?

$1 in 1986 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $2.88 today, an increase of $1.88 over 38 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.82% per year between 1986 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 187.68%.

How big is a 1965 Roosevelt dime?

This coin has a total mass of 2.268 g, a diameter of 17.91 mm, and a thickness of 1.52 mm. It's edge is Reeded, and the coins are composed of 1965-2022 75% Cu 25% Ni, Pre 1965 90% Silver and 10% Cu. Front (Obverse): The Roosevelt Dime is the modern United States dime that has for the most part continued production without interruption.

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